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A surprise hit at the box office and American feature debut of French cinematographer-turned-director Pierre Morel in 2008. Directs box office see it “From Paris With Love” “From Paris With Love” inches toward embracing the absurdities, much more than the more sober-minded “Taken” but far less that the rebellious “District B13.”
“Taken” nor the new “From Paris With Love” has been able to capture that same energy and freewheeling sense of fun.
Three films written by Luc Besson, who seems to almost single-handedly be keeping the French film industry financially alive.
To do manage of films Hollywood.
They waste all sorts of time on exposition and feebly trying to explain story and that only makes the improbabilities stand out even more.
The premise,” From Paris With Love” is basically celebrate odd couple formula, more clever or picked up the pace.
The film’s only saving grace is its action scenes. Knew choreograph action in “District B13,” knows how to make fights look cool film and how to drop bodies down lovely spiral staircases.
Forgive a lot in an action film if it at least delivers some kick ass action. "From Paris With Love" delivers the occasional fun moment. Not enough to provide full dispensation for the films other flaws.
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